Depict Trs wealth heures du Duc de Berry in detail and state why you picked it just as its pertinence to the occasions and to the topics of the cantebury stories - Essay Example At the essential issue where all the four fields meet, there is a structure that appears as though a little beacon, flanking two of the fields that have been fenced off with a divider. Two of the fields, i.e., one where the feed is being collected and integrated with packs and the other which is uncovered, are encircled by these dividers. On account of the previous, there is an opening for passage into the field and a little watch tower toward one side. In the last field, there is a little house with a rooftop secured with orange/red tiles, which seems, by all accounts, to be a gatekeeper or overseer’s home. Connecting the royal residence and flanking the field where roughage is being reaped, there is an extended length of moving knoll secured with green grass, secured with a few cows.